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What is post-trade transparency?

Post-trade transparency refers to the publication of data concerning past transactions. A market with full post-trade transparency is a market in which the relevant data – at least, price, volume and date/timestamp – of all transactions is made public immediately after such transactions occurred. 

For example, if you or I trade against an order sitting at an order book of a major trading venue (such as Euronext or LSE), the details (price, volume and timestamp) of such transaction will be immediately published. (You and I may not be able to see that data immediately and only with 15 or 20 minutes delay since we do not pay for premium data services, but the professional investment community will.) 

As an opposite example, block trades can be executed (even within the rules of major trading venues) without immediate data publication, as such publication can many times be deferred (usually for one day or a few days).
